1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 |
3 | import os
4 | from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
5 |
6 | def get_config_parameters(section=None, configfile=None):
7 | if not configfile:
8 | # If there is no config file defined, try with the usual places
9 | # for config files, if there is no config file there, try to load
10 | # the one provided with postman sources
11 | default_paths = ['/usr/local/etc/postman/postman.conf',
12 | '/usr/local/etc/postman.conf',
13 | '/etc/postman/postman.conf',
14 | '/etc/postman.conf',
15 | os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
16 | '../conf/postman.conf')]
17 | for path in default_paths:
18 | if os.path.exists(path):
19 | configfile = path
20 | break
21 |
22 | # if there is no config file now, raise an exception, as we need one
23 | if not configfile:
24 | raise IOError('ERROR - Can not find postman.conf in your environment')
25 |
26 | available_sections = ['xmlrpc_server', 'storage', 'archive',
27 | 'mailing_lists', 'members']
28 |
29 | config = {}
30 |
31 | parser = SafeConfigParser()
32 | # FIXME: we should check here if the config file has been read correctly,
33 | # instead of letting an exception to pass through
34 | parser.read(configfile)
35 |
36 | if section in available_sections:
37 | for name, value in parser.items(section):
38 | config[name] = value
39 | return config
40 |
41 | # if no section (or an invalid section) is provided, return an empty config
42 | # set
43 | return config
44 |
45 |
46 | # The default path for storage files
47 | storage_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'storage')
48 |
49 | # The default path for the archives
50 | archive_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'archives')
51 |
52 | # Set to True to set that, by default, only emails from members
53 | # will go into the list
54 | private_mailing = True