1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 |
3 | import os, inspect, logging
4 | from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer, list_public_methods
5 |
6 | from postman import config
7 | from postman.models import Member, MailingList
8 | from postman.storage import JsonStorage as Storage
9 |
10 |
11 | class Postman():
12 |
13 | def __init__(self, configfile=None):
14 | self.storage_config = config.get_config_parameters('storage',
15 | configfile)
16 | self.archive_config = config.get_config_parameters('archive',
17 | configfile)
18 |
19 | # lists were the currently managed mailing lists information is going
20 | # to be saved
21 | self.mailings = {}
22 | self.mailings_addresses = []
23 |
24 | # the files were internal information (like active mailing lists,
25 | # members, etc) is saved
26 | self.dbs = {'mailings': Storage(self.storage_config['lists_db']),
27 | 'members': Storage(self.storage_config['members_db'])}
28 |
29 | def save(self):
30 | """
31 | Save all the current managed data to disk
32 | """
33 | if self.mailings:
34 | # Save the config file from where we can reload information about
35 | # the mailing lists managed by this postman instance
36 | self.dbs['mailings'].write(self.mailings_addresses)
37 | # Save each mailing list data into its separated persistence file
38 | for m in self.mailings.keys():
39 | self.mailings[m].save()
40 | return True
41 | return False
42 |
43 | def load(self):
44 | """
45 | Load all data from the storage files
46 | """
47 | if self.dbs['mailings'].exists():
48 | # load the list of managed mailing lists
49 | # FIXME: This is quite naive, we do not perform any check here after
50 | # loading the data from the json file, which can be modified by
51 | # untrustred users.
52 | self.mailings_addresses = self.dbs['mailings'].read()
53 |
54 | # now load all the mailing objects:
55 | for address in self.mailings_addresses:
56 | mailing = MailingList(address, address)
57 | mailing.load()
58 | self.mailings[address] = mailing
59 | return True
60 | return False
61 |
62 | def clear(self):
63 | """
64 | Delete all stored data from disk (useful for testing).
65 | DANGER: Calling this method will remove all data from disk, leaving the
66 | postman instance with no persistence data, if the postman process die,
67 | before another .save() call is made, all data will be lost.
68 | """
69 | if self.dbs['mailings'].exists():
70 | # We do not delete each mailing list file, but only the file
71 | # containing the list of existing mailing lists
72 | self.dbs['mailings'].delete()
73 | return True
74 | return False
75 |
76 | def add_mailing_list(self, info={}):
77 | """
78 | Add a new mailing list to this postman instance. expects one parameter,
79 | info, which is a dictionary that should contain, at least, the
80 | following keys:
81 |
82 | - name: (string) the name we will give to the list
83 | - address: (string) the email address of the list
84 | - members: (list) a list of email adddress of the list members
85 |
86 | """
87 | if not isinstance(info, dict):
88 | raise TypeError(info, ' is not a valid dictionary')
89 |
90 | if 'name' not in info.keys() or \
91 | 'address' not in info.keys() or \
92 | 'members' not in info.keys() or \
93 | 'configfile' not in info.keys():
94 | raise ValueError(info, ' does not seem to be a valid configuration')
95 |
96 | if info['address'] in self.mailings_addresses:
97 | raise IndexError(info['address'],
98 | ' has been already added to postman')
99 |
100 | mailing = MailingList(info['name'], info['address'],
101 | info['members'], info['configfile'])
102 | self.mailings[mailing.address] = mailing
103 | self.mailings_addresses.append(mailing.address)
104 | # After adding new mailings, save them to disk
105 | self.save()
106 | return True
107 |
108 | def add_mailing_member(self, member_addr=None, list_addr=None):
109 | """
110 | Add a new member for the mailing list represented by list_addr (a string
111 | containing the email address of any mailing list managed by this postman
112 | instance). member_addr is a string representing the email address of the
113 | new member
114 | """
115 |
116 | if not member_addr:
117 | raise ValueError(member_addr, 'missing member address')
118 |
119 | if not list_addr:
120 | raise ValueError(list_addr, 'missing list address')
121 |
122 | if list_addr not in self.mailings_addresses:
123 | # FIXME: Perhaps we should add it, perhaps not (mispelled address?)
124 | raise IndexError(list_addr, ' is not a valid mailing list')
125 |
126 | added = self.mailings[list_addr].add_member_by_address(member_addr)
127 | if added:
128 | self.save()
129 | return added
130 |
131 |
132 | class PostmanXMLRPC():
133 | """
134 | This class is a wrapper we will use to limit the methods that will be
135 | published through the XMLRPC link. Only the methods from this class
136 | will be available through that link.
137 |
138 | As we use dotted names to separate xmlrpc-exported methods into different
139 | namespaces, this class contains nothing, it will be used only for
140 | method-registering purposes. The MailingListXMLRPC and MemberXMLRPC classes
141 | contain the actual methods that are published.
142 |
143 | More information on this approach here:
144 |
145 | http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/SimpleXMLRPCServer/#exposing-methods-of-objects
146 | """
147 |
148 | def _listMethods(self):
149 | public_methods = []
150 | public_methods += ['lists.'+i for i in dir(MailingListXMLRPC) if '_' not in i]
151 | public_methods += ['members.'+i for i in dir(MemberXMLRPC) if '_' not in i]
152 | return public_methods
153 |
154 | def _methodHelp(self, method):
155 | f = getattr(self, method)
156 | return inspect.getdoc(f)
157 |
158 |
159 | class MailingListXMLRPC():
160 | def __init__(self):
161 | self.postman = Postman()
162 | self.postman.load()
163 | def add(self, info={}):
164 | self.postman.add_mailing_list(info)
165 | def addresses(self):
166 | return self.postman.mailings_addresses
167 |
168 |
169 | class MemberXMLRPC():
170 | def __init__(self):
171 | self.postman = Postman()
172 | self.postman.load()
173 | def add(self, member_addr=None, list_addr=None):
174 | self.postman.add_mailing_member(member_addr, list_addr)
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 | class PostmanDaemon():
179 | def __init__(self, configfile=None):
180 | self.config = config.get_config_parameters('xmlrpc_server', configfile)
181 |
182 | # FIXME: These should be loaded from a config file
183 | self.address = self.config.get('address', 'localhost')
184 | self.port = int(self.config.get('port', 9876))
185 | self.logfile = self.config.get('logfile',
186 | os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
187 | 'server.log'))
188 | logging.basicConfig(filename=self.logfile, level=logging.DEBUG)
189 |
190 | self.server = None
191 | self.ready_to_serve = False
192 |
193 | def create_server(self):
194 | """
195 | If there is no server initialized in self.server, create an instance
196 | of SimpleXMLRPCServer in that attribute. If there is already a server
197 | initialized there, simply return True
198 | """
199 | if not self.server:
200 | msg = 'Creating XMLRPC server object on {}:{}'.format(self.address,
201 | self.port)
202 | logging.info(msg)
203 | self.server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((self.address, self.port),
204 | allow_none=True,
205 | logRequests=False)
206 | self.server.register_introspection_functions()
207 | return True
208 |
209 | def add_methods(self):
210 | """
211 | Check if there is an initialized server (initialize it if there is none)
212 | and then register all the Postman public methods to be served through
213 | the xml-rpc link
214 |
215 | Once the methods are registered set self.ready_to_serve to True
216 | """
217 | if not self.server:
218 | # ensure there is an XMLRPC server initialized
219 | self.create_server()
220 | msg = 'Registering public methods'
221 | logging.info(msg)
222 | root = PostmanXMLRPC()
223 | root.lists = MailingListXMLRPC()
224 | root.members = MemberXMLRPC()
225 | self.server.register_instance(root, allow_dotted_names=True)
226 | self.ready_to_serve = True
227 | return self.ready_to_serve
228 |
229 | def run(self):
230 | """
231 | Run the xmlrpc daemon. If self.ready_to_serve is False, call
232 | self.add_methods, which will initialize the server and will register all
233 | the public methods into that server
234 | """
235 | if not self.ready_to_serve:
236 | self.add_methods()
237 | msg = 'Starting XMLRPC server on {}:{}'.format(self.address,
238 | self.port)
239 | logging.info(msg)
240 | try:
241 | self.server.serve_forever()
242 | except KeyboardInterrupt:
243 | msg = 'Stopping server'
244 | logging.info(msg)