importPackage(java.lang); var RhinoReporter = function() { /* * Reporter which reports the number of //expects// checks which * passed/failed at the end of the test run */ return { reportRunnerStarting: function(runner) { if (EnvJasmine.incrementalOutput) { print(EnvJasmine.specFile); } }, reportRunnerResults: function(runner) { var results = runner.results(); if (EnvJasmine.incrementalOutput) { var passed = results.passedCount - EnvJasmine.passedCount, failed = results.failedCount - EnvJasmine.failedCount, total = results.totalCount - EnvJasmine.totalCount; print(); print([ EnvJasmine[passed ? 'green' : 'plain']("Passed: " + passed), EnvJasmine[failed ? 'red' : 'plain']("Failed: " + failed), EnvJasmine.plain("Total: " + total) ].join(' ')); } EnvJasmine.passedCount = results.passedCount; EnvJasmine.failedCount = results.failedCount; EnvJasmine.totalCount = results.totalCount; }, reportSuiteResults: function(suite) { }, reportSpecStarting: function(spec) { }, reportSpecResults: function(spec) { if (spec.results().passed()) { System.out.print(".")); } else { var i, msg, result, specResults = spec.results().getItems(); System.out.print("F")); msg = [ "FAILED", "File : " + EnvJasmine.specFile, "Suite: " + this.getSuiteName(spec.suite), "Spec : " + spec.description ]; for (i = 0; i < specResults.length; i++) { result = specResults[i]; if (result.type == 'log') { msg.push(result.toString()); } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) { msg.push(result.message); if (result.trace.stack) { msg.push(specResults[i].trace.stack); } } } EnvJasmine.results.push(msg.join("\n")); } }, log: function(str) { }, getSuiteName: function(suite) { var suitePath = []; while (suite) { suitePath.unshift(suite.description); suite = suite.parentSuite; } return suitePath.join(' - '); } }; }; var RhinoSpecReporter = function() { /* * Reporter which reports the number of //specs// which passed/failed at the end * of the test run */ return { reportRunnerStarting: function(runner) { if (EnvJasmine.incrementalOutput) { print(EnvJasmine.specFile); } }, reportRunnerResults: function(runner) { var results = runner.results(); if (EnvJasmine.incrementalOutput) { print(); print(["Passed: " + (results.passedCount - EnvJasmine.passedCount)),"Failed: " + (results.failedCount - EnvJasmine.failedCount)), EnvJasmine.plain("Total: " + (results.totalCount - EnvJasmine.totalCount)) ].join(' ')); } }, reportSuiteResults: function(suite) { }, reportSpecStarting: function(spec) { }, reportSpecResults: function(spec) { if (spec.results().passed()) { System.out.print(".")); EnvJasmine.passedCount += 1; } else { var i, msg, result, specResults = spec.results().getItems(); System.out.print("F")); msg = [ "FAILED", "File : " + EnvJasmine.specFile, "Suite: " + this.getSuiteName(spec.suite), "Spec : " + spec.description ]; for (i = 0; i < specResults.length; i++) { result = specResults[i]; if (result.type == 'log') { msg.push(result.toString()); } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) { msg.push(result.message); if (result.trace.stack) { msg.push(specResults[i].trace.stack); } } } EnvJasmine.failedCount += 1; EnvJasmine.results.push(msg.join("\n")); } EnvJasmine.totalCount += 1; }, log: function(str) { }, getSuiteName: function(suite) { var suitePath = []; while (suite) { suitePath.unshift(suite.description); suite = suite.parentSuite; } return suitePath.join(' - '); } }; };