import os import sys import subprocess import threading import signal def get_environment(): """ Get the environment parameter, depending on OS (Win/Unix). """ if == 'nt': # not tested! environment = '--environment=WIN' else: environment = '--environment=UNIX' return environment def print_no_newline(string): sys.stdout.write(str(string)) sys.stdout.flush() def run_popen_with_timeout( command, timeout, input_data, stdin, stdout, stderr, env=None): """ Run a sub-program in subprocess.Popen, pass it the input_data, kill it if the specified timeout has passed. returns a tuple of success, stdout, stderr sample usage: timeout = 60 # seconds path = '/path/to/event.log' command = ['/usr/bin/tail', '-30', path] input_data = '' success, stdout, stderr = run_popen_with_timeout(command, timeout, input_data) if not success: print('timeout on tail event.log output') tail_output = stdout """ kill_check = threading.Event() def _kill_process_after_a_timeout(pid): try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError: # catch a possible race condition, the process terminated normally # between the timer firing and our kill return kill_check.set() # tell the main routine that we had to kill # use SIGKILL if hard to kill... return stdout_l = [] # don't use shell if command/options come in as list use_shell = not isinstance(command, list) try: p = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=1, shell=use_shell, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env) except OSError as error_message: stderr = 'OSError: ' + str(error_message) return (False, '', stderr) pid = watchdog = threading.Timer(timeout, _kill_process_after_a_timeout, args=(pid, )) watchdog.start() while True: output = p.stdout.readline(1) if output == '' and p.poll() is not None: break if output == '\n': print(output) else: print_no_newline(output) stdout_l.append(output) try: (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate(input_data) except OSError as error_message: stdout = '' stderr = 'OSError: ' + str(error_message) p.returncode = -666 watchdog.cancel() # if it's still waiting to run # if it timed out, success is False success = (not kill_check.isSet()) and p.returncode >= 0 kill_check.clear() return (success, ''.join(stdout_l), stderr) class Runner(object): """ Setup to run envjasmine "specs" (tests). To use it, probably best to put it inside a normal python unit test suite, then just print out the output. """ def __init__(self, rootdir=None, testdir=None, configfile=None, browser_configfile=None): """ Set up paths, by default everything is inside the "envjasmine" folder right here. Giving no paths, the sample specs from envjasmine will be run. XXX: it would be more practical if this raised an exception and you know you're not running the tests you want. parameters: testdir - the directory that holds the "mocks", "specs" and "include" directories for the actual tests. rootdir - the directory where the envjasmine code lives in. configfile - path to an extra js config file that is run for the tests. browser_configfile - path to an extra js config file for running the tests in browser. """ here = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.libdir = here self.rootdir = rootdir or os.path.join(here, 'envjasmine') self.testdir = testdir or self.rootdir self.configfile = configfile self.browser_configfile = browser_configfile self.runner_html = os.path.join(here, 'runner.html') def run(self, spec=None, timeout=None): """ Run the js tests with envjasmine, return success (true/false) and the captured stdout data spec: (relative) path to a spec file (run only that spec) timeout: Set it to a given number of seconds and the process running the js tests will be killed passed that time """ environment = get_environment() rhino_path = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'lib', 'rhino', 'js.jar') envjasmine_js_path = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'lib', 'envjasmine.js') rootdir_param = '--rootDir=%s' % self.rootdir testdir_param = '--testDir=%s' % self.testdir if self.browser_configfile and os.path.exists(self.browser_configfile): self.write_browser_htmlfile() command = [ 'java', '-Duser.timezone=US/Eastern', '-Dfile.encoding=utf-8', '-jar', rhino_path, envjasmine_js_path, '--disableColor', environment, rootdir_param, testdir_param ] if self.configfile and os.path.exists(self.configfile): command.append('--configFile=%s' % self.configfile) # if we were asked to test only some of the spec files, # addd them to the command line: if spec is not None: if not isinstance(spec, list): spec = [spec] command.extend(spec) shell = False stdin = None stdout = subprocess.PIPE stderr = subprocess.PIPE input_data = '' success, stdout, stderr = run_popen_with_timeout( command, timeout, input_data, stdin, stdout, stderr ) # success will be true if the subprocess did not timeout, now look # for actual failures if there was not a timeout if success: success = self.did_test_pass(stdout) return success, stdout def did_test_pass(self, stdout): for line in stdout.splitlines(): if 'Failed' in line: failed = line.split(':')[1].strip() return failed == '0' return False def write_browser_htmlfile(self): markup = self.create_testRunnerHtml() with open("browser.runner.html", 'w') as file: file.write(markup) def create_testRunnerHtml(self): with open(self.runner_html, 'r') as runner_html: html = return html % {"libDir": os.path.normpath(self.libdir), "testDir": os.path.normpath(self.testdir), "browser_configfile": self.browser_configfile}