import os from pyenvjasmine.runner import Runner, get_environment class TestsRunnerRhino(object): """ Run the full tests using the old rhino+jasmine1 env """ def test_runner_defaults(self): """ Test the runner, using default values (which wil run the demo specs) """ jstests = Runner(testing_enviroment='rhino') success, stdout = assert success assert 'Failed: 0' in stdout assert 'Passed: 5' in stdout def test_runner_params(self): """ Test the runner, giving it some parameters """ here = os.path.dirname(__file__) sample = os.path.join(here, 'sample') conf_file = os.path.join(sample, 'configfile.js') envjasmine_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), 'envjasmine') jstests = Runner( testing_enviroment='rhino', rootdir=envjasmine_dir, testdir=sample, configfile=conf_file, ) success, stdout ='tests/specs/test_demo.spec.js') lines = stdout.splitlines() assert lines[0].endswith('specs/test_demo.spec.js') assert lines[1].startswith('[ Envjs/1.6 (Rhino;') assert 'Passed: 4' in lines assert 'Failed: 0' in lines assert 'Total : 4' in lines def test_write_browser_htmlfile_markup_is_correct(self): """ Test the created markup """ here = os.path.dirname(__file__) sample = os.path.join(here, 'sample') browser_conf_file = os.path.join(sample, 'browser.configfile.js') envjasmine_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), 'envjasmine') jstests = Runner( testing_enviroment='rhino', rootdir=envjasmine_dir, testdir=sample, browser_configfile=browser_conf_file ) expected = jstests.create_testRunnerHtml() success, stdout ='tests/specs/test_demo.spec.js') assert not success assert 'Failed: 2' in stdout with open("browser.runner.html",'r') as file: actual = assert expected == actual def test_runner_with_browser_configfile(self): """ Test the runner, giving it some parameters incl the browser config file """ here = os.path.dirname(__file__) sample = os.path.join(here, 'sample') browser_conf_file = os.path.join(sample, 'browser.configfile.js') envjasmine_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), 'envjasmine') jstests = Runner( testing_enviroment='rhino', rootdir=envjasmine_dir, testdir=sample, browser_configfile=browser_conf_file ) success, stdout ='tests/specs/test_demo.spec.js') assert not success assert 'Failed: 2' in stdout def test_get_environment(self): """ Testing the OS specific code Could not figure out how to do this using mock, so monkey patching the old way. """ old_os_name = try: = 'nt' res = get_environment() assert res == '--environment=WIN' = 'posix' res = get_environment() assert res == '--environment=UNIX' finally: = old_os_name def test_did_test_pass(self): # there is some coverage done with the previous tests, # but we want to test also the case when a test failed # and it does not appear in the "Failed:" report jstests = Runner(testing_enviroment='rhino') success = jstests.did_test_pass('') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('some random data '*50) assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('some data FAILED some more data') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('some data FAILEDsome more data') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('Failed: 0') assert success success = jstests.did_test_pass('Failed: 0 FAILED') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('FAILEDFailed: 0') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('Failed: 0FAILED') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('Failed: 1') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('Failed: -11') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('Failed: something-not-a-number') assert not success class TestsRunnerPhantomjs(object): """ Run the full tests using the phantom+jasmine3 env """ def test_write_browser_htmlfile_markup_is_correct(self): """ Test the created markup The config file doesn't contain the mock files so jasmine tests are expected to fail """ here = os.path.dirname(__file__) sample = os.path.join(here, 'sample') browser_conf_file = os.path.join(sample, 'browser.configfile_no_mocks.js') envjasmine_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), 'envjasmine') jstests = Runner( testing_enviroment='phantomjs', rootdir=envjasmine_dir, testdir=sample, browser_configfile=browser_conf_file ) expected = jstests.create_testRunnerHtml() jstests.write_browser_htmlfile() success, stdout = assert not success assert '2 test(s) FAILED:' in stdout with open("browser.runner.html",'r') as file: actual = assert expected == actual def test_runner_with_browser_configfile(self): """ Test the runner, giving it some parameters incl the browser config file The config file contains the mock files so jasmine tests are expected to pass """ here = os.path.dirname(__file__) sample = os.path.join(here, 'sample') browser_conf_file = os.path.join(sample, 'browser.configfile.js') envjasmine_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), 'envjasmine') jstests = Runner( testing_enviroment='phantomjs', rootdir=envjasmine_dir, testdir=sample, browser_configfile=browser_conf_file ) success, stdout = assert success assert '0 failures' in stdout def test_did_test_pass(self): # there is some coverage done with the previous tests, # but we want to test also the case when a test failed # and it does not appear in the "Failed:" report here = os.path.dirname(__file__) sample = os.path.join(here, 'sample') browser_conf_file = os.path.join(sample, 'browser.configfile.js') jstests = Runner( testing_enviroment='phantomjs', browser_configfile=browser_conf_file ) success = jstests.did_test_pass('') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('some random data '*50) assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('some data FAILED some more data') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('some data FAILEDsome more data') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('0 failures') assert success success = jstests.did_test_pass('0 failures FAILED') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('0Failed: failures') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('1 test(s) FAILED:') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('-11 test(s) FAILED:') assert not success success = jstests.did_test_pass('something-not-a-number test(s) FAILED:') assert not success