import re from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta class DateFilter(object): """ Filtering tools for the dates input provided by the user """ def __init__(self, date_format): self.date_format = date_format def days(self, current_date, days, action='-'): """ Add/substract the given number of days from the given current_date """ delta = timedelta(days=days) if action == '-': new_date = current_date - delta else: new_date = current_date + delta new_date = new_date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) return new_date def days_ago(self, current_date, days): """ Return the date N days ago from the current date """ return self.days(current_date, days, '-') def days_future(self, current_date, days): """ Return the date N days in the future from the current date """ return self.days(current_date, days, '+') def months(self, current_date, months, action='-'): """ Add/substract the given number of months from the given current_date """ if action == '-': # start travelling in time, back to N months ago for n in range(months): current_date = current_date.replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1) else: # start travelling in time, forward to N months for n in range(months): current_date = current_date.replace(day=1) + timedelta(days=1) # Now use the new year/month values + the current day to set the proper # date new_date = datetime( current_date.year, current_date.month, return new_date def months_ago(self, current_date, months): """ Return the date N days ago from the current date """ return self.months(current_date, months, '-') def months_future(self, current_date, months): """ Return the date N days in the future from the current date """ return self.months(current_date, months, '+') def parse_number_filter(self, number_filter, start_date=None, future=False): """ Given a numeric filter with the N[d|w|m|y] pattern, return both the number of days/months/years that apply as a filter, + the date N[d|w|m|y] ago from start_date (which defaults to today if None is passed). If future is True, it will return a date in the future, not from the past. """ number = None filtered_date = None start_date = start_date or # set which methods use to process the date, going backwards into the # past as a default, unless we are told otherwise filter_days = self.days_ago filter_months = self.months_ago if future: filter_days = self.days_future filter_months = self.months_future if'(\d+[dD]{1})', number_filter): number = int(number_filter.lower().replace('d', '')) filtered_date = filter_days(start_date, number) elif'(\d+[wW]{1})', number_filter): number = int(number_filter.lower().replace('w', '')) * 7 filtered_date = filter_days(start_date, number) elif'(\d+[mM]{1})', number_filter): number = int(number_filter.lower().replace('m', '')) filtered_date = filter_months(start_date, number) elif'(\d+[yY]{1})', number_filter): number = int(number_filter.lower().replace('y', '')) today = # by default assume going backwards into the past... year = today.year - number if future: #...unless told otherwise year = today.year + number filtered_date = datetime(year, today.month, return number, filtered_date def validate(self, stamp_filter): """ Validate a given filter. Filters can have the following notation: - %Y-%m-%d: Times recorded at a given date - %Y-%m-%d--%Y-%m-%d: Times recorded between two dates - *%Y-%m-%d: Times recorded up to a given date - %Y-%m-%d*: Times recorded from a given date - %Y-%m-%d+sN[d|w|m|y]: Times recorded since the given date up to N more days/weeks/months/years - N...N[d|w|m|y]: Times recorded N...N days/weeks/months/years ago Important: all date comparisons are made on datetime objects, using 00:00 as the time (first second of the given day). This means that for range filters, the first day is included, but the second day is not """ filter_from = None filter_to = None if stamp_filter is None: return filter_from, filter_to if '--' in stamp_filter: filter_from, filter_to = stamp_filter.split('--') filter_from = datetime.strptime(filter_from, self.date_format) filter_to = datetime.strptime(filter_to, self.date_format) elif stamp_filter.startswith('*'): filter_to = datetime.strptime(stamp_filter, '*'+self.date_format) filter_to = filter_to.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) elif stamp_filter.endswith('*'): filter_from = datetime.strptime(stamp_filter, self.date_format+'*') filter_from = filter_from.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) elif '+' in stamp_filter: # "+" filtering works with a date following by "+", a number and # a letter (d|w|m|y) which sets the number of days, weeks, months, # years we would like to go into the future filter_from, number = stamp_filter.split('+') filter_from = datetime.strptime(filter_from, self.date_format) number, filter_to = self.parse_number_filter( number, filter_from, future=True) elif stamp_filter.count('-') == 3: # "-" filtering works with a date followed by "-", a number and # a letter (d|w|m|y) which sets the number of days, weeks, months, # years we would like to go backwards into the past year, month, day, number = stamp_filter.split('-') filter_to = '-'.join([year, month, day]) filter_to = datetime.strptime(filter_to, self.date_format) number, filter_from = self.parse_number_filter(number, filter_to) else: # Check if the user is asking for N days/weeks/months/years number, filter_from = self.parse_number_filter(stamp_filter) if number is None: # no filtering found, maybe they are giving us a fixed date try: filter_from = datetime.strptime(stamp_filter, self.date_format) except: # nothing to be used as a filter, go on, printing a warning print('[warning] invalid date filter: ' + stamp_filter) else: filter_from = filter_from.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) filter_to = filter_from + timedelta(days=1) return filter_from, filter_to