1 |
2 | import json
3 | import re
4 | import pygal
5 | from datetime import datetime, timedelta
6 | from os.path import expanduser, exists
7 | from collections import OrderedDict
8 |
9 |
10 | STAMPS_FILE = expanduser('~/.workstamps.json')
11 | DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'
12 | DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
13 | HOURS_DAY = 8
14 | SECS_DAY = HOURS_DAY * 60 * 60
15 |
16 |
17 | class Stamper(object):
18 |
19 | def __init__(self, stamps_file=STAMPS_FILE):
20 | self.stamps_file = STAMPS_FILE
21 | self.ensure_stamps_file()
22 | self.stamps = []
23 |
24 | def ensure_stamps_file(self):
25 | if not exists(self.stamps_file):
26 | with open(self.stamps_file, 'w') as stamps_file:
27 | stamps_file.write('')
28 |
29 | def load_stamps(self):
30 | with open(self.stamps_file, 'r') as stamps_file:
31 | try:
32 | self.stamps = json.load(stamps_file)
33 | except ValueError:
34 | self.stamps = []
35 |
36 | def save_stamps(self):
37 | with open(self.stamps_file, 'w') as stamps_file:
38 | json.dump(self.stamps, stamps_file, indent=4)
39 |
40 | def stamp(self, start, end, customer, action):
41 | self.stamps.append({
42 | 'start': start,
43 | 'end': end,
44 | 'customer': customer,
45 | 'action': action,
46 | })
47 |
48 | def last_stamp(self):
49 | if not self.stamps:
50 | return None
51 | return self.stamps[-1]
52 |
53 | def worktime(self, start, end):
54 | worktime = (datetime.strptime(end, DATETIME_FORMAT) -
55 | datetime.strptime(start, DATETIME_FORMAT))
56 | return worktime.seconds
57 |
58 | def validate_filter(self, stamp_filter):
59 | """
60 | Validate a given filter. Filters can have the following notation:
61 |
62 | - %Y-%m-%d--%Y-%m-%d: Times recorded between two dates
63 |
64 | - _%Y-%m-%d: Times recorded before a given date
65 |
66 | - +%Y-%m-%d: Times recorded after a given date
67 |
68 | - N...N[d|w|m|y]: Times recorded N...N days/weeks/months/years ago
69 | """
70 | # First try the date filters, one by one
71 | matches = ['%Y-%m-%d', '_%Y-%m-%d', '+%Y-%m-%d']
72 | for match in matches:
73 | try:
74 | if '--' in stamp_filter:
75 | filter_from, filter_to = stamp_filter.split('--')
76 | filter_from = datetime.strptime(filter_from, match)
77 | filter_to = datetime.strptime(filter_to, match)
78 | else:
79 | valid_filter = datetime.strptime(stamp_filter, match)
80 | except ValueError:
81 | pass
82 | else:
83 | return stamp_filter
84 |
85 | valid_filter = re.search(r'(\d+[dwmyDWMY]{1})', stamp_filter)
86 | if valid_filter:
87 | return stamp_filter
88 |
89 | # Not a valid filter
90 | return None
91 |
92 | def customers(self):
93 | customers = []
94 | for stamp in self.stamps:
95 | if stamp['customer'] not in customers:
96 | customers.append(stamp['customer'])
97 | customers.remove(None)
98 | return customers
99 |
100 | def totals(self, stamp_filter=None):
101 | totals = {}
102 | for stamp in self.stamps:
103 | customer = stamp['customer']
104 | if customer:
105 | # c will be None for "start" stamps, having no end time
106 | if customer not in totals:
107 | totals[customer] = 0
108 | totals[customer] += self.worktime(stamp['start'], stamp['end'])
109 | return totals
110 |
111 | def details(self):
112 | details = OrderedDict()
113 | totals = OrderedDict()
114 | total_customer = OrderedDict()
115 | for stamp in self.stamps:
116 | if stamp['customer']:
117 | # avoid "start" stamps
118 | start_day = stamp['start'].split(' ')[0]
119 | if start_day not in details:
120 | details[start_day] = []
121 | if start_day not in totals:
122 | totals[start_day] = 0
123 | worktime = self.worktime(stamp['start'], stamp['end'])
124 | details[start_day].append(
125 | ' -> %(worktime)s %(customer)s %(action)s' % {
126 | 'worktime': str(timedelta(seconds=worktime)),
127 | 'customer': stamp['customer'],
128 | 'action': stamp['action']
129 | })
130 | customer = stamp['customer']
131 | totals[start_day] += worktime
132 | if start_day not in total_customer:
133 | total_customer[start_day] = {}
134 | if customer not in total_customer[start_day]:
135 | total_customer[start_day][customer] = 0
136 | total_customer[start_day][customer] += worktime
137 | for day in totals:
138 | totals[day] = str(timedelta(seconds=totals[day]))
139 | return details, totals, total_customer
140 |
141 | def details_by_customer(self, customer):
142 | details = OrderedDict()
143 | totals = OrderedDict()
144 | for stamp in self.stamps:
145 | if stamp['customer'] == customer:
146 | start_day = stamp['start'].split(' ')[0]
147 | if start_day not in details:
148 | details[start_day] = []
149 | if start_day not in totals:
150 | totals[start_day] = 0
151 | worktime = self.worktime(stamp['start'], stamp['end'])
152 | details[start_day].append(
153 | ' -> %(worktime)s %(customer)s %(action)s' % {
154 | 'worktime': str(timedelta(seconds=worktime)),
155 | 'customer': stamp['customer'],
156 | 'action': stamp['action']
157 | })
158 | totals[start_day] += worktime
159 | for day in totals:
160 | totals[day] = str(timedelta(seconds=totals[day]))
161 | return details, totals
162 |
163 | def show_stamps(self, customer=None, stamp_filter=None, verbose=False,
164 | sum=False, graph=False):
165 | if stamp_filter:
166 | stamp_filter = self.validate_filter(stamp_filter)
167 |
168 | totals = self.totals(stamp_filter)
169 |
170 | if customer:
171 | seconds=totals.get(customer, 0)
172 | total = timedelta(seconds=totals.get(customer, 0))
173 | print(' %(customer)s: %(total)s' % {'customer': customer,
174 | 'total': total})
175 | else:
176 | for c in totals:
177 | seconds=totals[c]
178 | total = timedelta(seconds=totals[c])
179 | print(' %(customer)s: %(total)s' % {'customer': c,
180 | 'total': total})
181 |
182 | if verbose:
183 | if customer:
184 | details, totals = self.details_by_customer(customer)
185 | else:
186 | details, totals, total_customer = self.details()
187 | for day in details:
188 | print('------ %(day)s ------' % {'day': day})
189 | for line in details[day]:
190 | print(line)
191 | print(' Total: %(total)s' % {'total': totals[day]})
192 |
193 | if sum:
194 | sum_tot = ''
195 | if totals:
196 | print('------ Totals ------' % {'day': day})
197 | for day, tot in totals.iteritems():
198 | print(' %(day)s: %(total)s' % {'day': day, 'total': tot})
199 | sum_tot = "%(total)s %(new)s" % {
200 | 'total': sum_tot,
201 | 'new': total
202 | }
203 | totalSecs, sec = divmod(seconds, 60)
204 | hr, min = divmod(totalSecs, 60)
205 | totalDays, remaining = divmod(seconds, SECS_DAY)
206 | remainingMin, remainingSec = divmod(remaining, (60))
207 | remainingHr, remainingMin = divmod(remainingMin, (60))
208 | print('----- %d:%02d:%02d -----' % (hr, min, sec))
209 | print('--- %d days, remaining: %d:%02d (%d hours/day) ---' % (
210 | totalDays, remainingHr, remainingMin, HOURS_DAY
211 | ))
212 |
213 | if graph:
214 | DAYS = 15
215 | list_days = []
216 | list_tot = []
217 | stackedbar_chart = pygal.StackedBar()
218 | stackedbar_chart.title = 'Worked time per day (in hours)'
219 |
220 | if customer:
221 | for day, tot in totals.iteritems():
222 | list_days.append(day)
223 | (h, m, s) = tot.split(':')
224 | tot_sec = int(h) * 3600 + int(m) * 60 + int(s)
225 | tot_h = float(tot_sec / float(60) / float(60))
226 | list_tot.append(tot_h)
227 | stackedbar_chart.add(customer, list_tot)
228 | stackedbar_chart.x_labels = map(str, list_days)
229 | stackedbar_chart.render_to_file('graphs/chart-%s.svg' % customer )
230 | else:
231 | all_customers = self.customers()
232 | total_per_customer = {}
233 | details, totals, total_customer = self.details()
234 | chars = 0
235 | total_customer_reverse = total_customer.items()
236 | total_customer_reverse.reverse()
237 | for day, tot in total_customer_reverse:
238 | if chars < DAYS:
239 | list_days.append(day)
240 | for cust in self.customers():
241 | if cust not in tot:
242 | tot[cust] = 0
243 | for cus, time in tot.iteritems():
244 | tot_h = float(time / float(60) / float(60))
245 | if cus not in total_per_customer:
246 | total_per_customer[cus] = []
247 | total_per_customer[cus].append(tot_h)
248 | chars = chars + 1
249 | for ccus, ctime in total_per_customer.iteritems():
250 | stackedbar_chart.add(ccus, ctime)
251 | stackedbar_chart.x_labels = map(str, list_days[-DAYS:])
252 | stackedbar_chart.render_to_file('graphs/chart-all.svg')