import json import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta from os.path import expanduser, exists STAMPS_FILE = expanduser('~/.workstamps.json') DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' class Stamper(object): def __init__(self, stamps_file=STAMPS_FILE): self.stamps_file = STAMPS_FILE self.ensure_stamps_file() self.stamps = [] def ensure_stamps_file(self): if not exists(self.stamps_file): with open(self.stamps_file, 'w') as stamps_file: stamps_file.write('') def load_stamps(self): with open(self.stamps_file, 'r') as stamps_file: try: self.stamps = json.load(stamps_file) except ValueError: self.stamps = [] def save_stamps(self): with open(self.stamps_file, 'w') as stamps_file: json.dump(self.stamps, stamps_file, indent=4) def stamp(self, start, end, customer, action): self.stamps.append({ 'start': start, 'end': end, 'customer': customer, 'action': action, }) def last_stamp(self): if not self.stamps: return None return self.stamps[-1] def worktime(self, start, end): worktime = (datetime.strptime(end, DATE_FORMAT) - datetime.strptime(start, DATE_FORMAT)) return worktime.seconds def validate_filter(self, stamp_filter): """ Validate a given filter. Filters can have the following notation: - %Y-%m-%d--%Y-%m-%d: Times recorded between two dates - -%Y-%m-%d: Times recorded before a given date - +%Y-%m-%d: Times recorded after a given date - N...N[d|w|m|y]: Times recorded N...N days/weeks/months/years ago """ # First try the date filters, one by one matches = ['%Y-%m-%d', '-%Y-%m-%d', '+%Y-%m-%d'] for match in matches: try: if '--' in stamp_filter: filter_from, filter_to = stamp_filter.split('--') filter_from = datetime.strptime(stamp_filter, match) filter_to = datetime.strptime(stamp_filter, match) else: valid_filter = datetime.strptime(stamp_filter, match) except ValueError: pass else: return stamp_filter valid_filter ='(\d+[dwmyDWMY]{1})', stamp_filter) if valid_filter: return stamp_filter # Not a valid filter return None def customers(self): customers = [] for stamp in self.stamps: if stamp['customer'] not in customers: customers.append(stamp['customer']) customers.remove(None) return customers def total_by_customer(self, customer): total = 0 for stamp in self.stamps: if stamp['customer'] == customer: total += self.worktime(stamp['start'], stamp['end']) total = timedelta(seconds=total) return str(total) def totals(self): totals = {} for customer in self.customers(): totals[customer] = self.total_by_customer(customer) return totals def details_by_customer(self, customer): details = {} totals = {} for stamp in self.stamps: if stamp['customer'] == customer: start_day = stamp['start'].split(' ')[0] if start_day not in details: details[start_day] = [] if start_day not in totals: totals[start_day] = 0 worktime = self.worktime(stamp['start'], stamp['end']) details[start_day].append( ' -> %(worktime)s %(customer)s %(action)s' % { 'worktime': str(timedelta(seconds=worktime)), 'customer': stamp['customer'], 'action': stamp['action'] }) totals[start_day] += worktime for day in totals: totals[day] = str(timedelta(seconds=totals[day])) return details, totals