Python envjasmine wrapper ========================= This is a thin python wrapper around the envjasmine_ JavaScript testing framework. .. _envjasmine : Running the tests of this python module: ---------------------------------------- To run the tests on this code here (as opposed to *your* JavaScript code you want to test), install this into a virtualenv, install nose and maybe coverage in that virtualenv and then run:: nosetests --cover-package=pyenvjasmine --cover-erase \ --with-coverage --with-doctest $* Run your own tests ------------------ The easiest way is to put your "specs" (JavaScript tests) into some directory in your code, then in your python tests, add a new TestCase with just one test that runs all your JavaScript tests. The simplest solution is to set capture_output to False, so you see the output from the js tests on the console. Something like this:: import unittest from pyenvjasmine.runner import TestRunner class JavaScriptTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_my_javascript(self): runner = TestRunner( testdir='/path/to/my/testdir', configfile='relative/path/to/configfile') If you want a more integrated test control, you could set capture_output to True, then parse the test output that is returned from the run() method, with something like this:: def test_my_javascript_no_output(self): runner = TestRunner( testdir='/path/to/my/testdir', configfile='relative/path/to/configfile') res = lines = res.splitlines() self.assertTrue('Failed: 0' in lines)