
Version 1 (modified by borja, 5 years ago) ( diff )

Added a wiki page for pyenvjasmine

Python envjasmine wrapper

This is a thin python wrapper around the envjasmine JavaScript testing framework.


You can install pyenvjasmine using pip:

pip install pyenvjasmine

Or you can grab the latest sources and install it from there:

python install

Also, you can use it directly from the sources directory, in development mode (useful if you want to contribute to the project):

pip install -e .


Starting with version 0.3.0, pyenvjasmine has support to run tests with different browsers/engines. The headless browser rhino is included with pyenvjasmine, but in order to use the other engines, you have to install the needed browser(s).

Right now, only phantomjs is supported, so ensure you have it installed if you want to use that browser/engine to run tests on. Required if you want to run tests on jasmine 3.x (also required to run pyenvjasmine's own tests).

Running pyenvjasmine tests

To run the tests on this code here (as opposed to your JavaScript code you want to test), install pyenvjasmine (and phantomjs) and then run:


Run your own tests

The easiest way is to put your "specs" (JavaScript tests) into some directory in your code, then in your python tests, add a new TestCase with just one test that runs all your JavaScript tests.

The simplest solution is to set capture_output to False, so you see the output from the js tests on the console. Something like this:

import pytest
from pyenvjasmine.runner import Runner

class TestJavaScript(object):
    def test_my_javascript(self):
        runner = Runner(
        success, stdout =
        # assert on success, will be true if tests passed, False if any
        # test failed
        assert success, "One or more javascript tests have failed"
        # you can inspect stdout if you want to get more info, but it
        # will be printed to the console stdout anyway
        assert b'Total: 120' in stdout

In this example, the phantomjs browse/engine is used, replace that with rhino to run tests on rhino + jasmine 1.x.


phantomjs is the preferred browser/engine, so it is what pyenvjasmine will use as a default if you don't set testing_environment when creating a new Runner instance.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.