1 | Overview of mailjam's architecture
2 | ==================================
3 |
4 | .. contents::
5 |
6 | Introduction
7 | ------------
8 |
9 | Mailjam has been designed following a **multi-component structure**. There is
10 | **a daemon** that manage the mailing lists and members information in a storage
11 | backend and there are **different kinds of clients** (currently, three of them)
12 | that **interact with the daemon using a XMLRPC link**.
13 |
14 | This is the scheme of the architecture:
15 |
16 | .. image:: /mailjam_architecture.png
17 | :alt: Scheme of the architecture behind Mailjam
18 | :class: open_fancybox
19 |
20 |
21 | .. _overview_mailjam_daemon:
22 |
23 | Mailjam daemon
24 | --------------
25 |
26 | The daemon will perform all the operations regarding the management of the
27 | mailing lists and members. The daemon will save information of a given
28 | mailing list to the storage backend, and will read information of already
29 | saved lists from there too.
30 |
31 | It listens for incoming XMLRPC requests on a given tcp port, allowing clients
32 | to add/update/delete data from the backend.
33 |
34 | .. _overview_mailjam_mta_client:
35 |
36 | MTA client
37 | ----------
38 |
39 | This client is attached to a given MTA, and is called but the MTA itself when
40 | emails for a mailing lists are received. The client performs some checks on the
41 | backend to tell the MTA what it has to do with the incoming emails.
42 |
43 | .. _overview_mailjam_cli_client:
44 |
45 | CLI client
46 | ----------
47 |
48 | This is a shell-like interface that can be used to add mailing lists to a given
49 | Mailjam server, edit such mailing lists information, add members, etc.
50 |
51 | .. _overview_mailjam_web_client:
52 |
53 | Web client
54 | ----------
55 |
56 | This is a small *webapp* that can be used to perform the same management
57 | operations you can achieve using the
58 | :ref:`CLI client<overview_mailjam_cli_client>`.